model Product,我们希望通过实现 service 的一个方法,并支持所有类型的查询,如 >、>=、<、<=、like 、order by 等常用的查询、排序。
class Product { long id; String name; String category; String price; String ...; }
select * from product where id > 1 or price > '100.00' ...;
Where 条件中包含 字段名称、运算符、值。
class Item { String name; String value; String itemType; String type = "and"; String[] values; }
class QueryParam{ List<Item> items = null; }
mybatis 公共 xml 文件配置
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" > <mapper namespace="BaseMapper"> <sql id="BaseQuery"> <if test="items != null "> where 1 = 1 <foreach collection="items" item="item" index="index" separator=" "> <if test="item.itemType == 'eq' "> ${item.type} ${item.fieldName} = #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'lt' "> <![CDATA[ ${item.type} ${} < #{item.value} ]]> </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'lte' "> <![CDATA[ ${item.type} ${} <= #{item.value} ]]> </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'gt' "> <![CDATA[ ${item.type} ${} > #{item.value} ]]> </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'gte' "> <![CDATA[ ${item.type} ${} >= #{item.value} ]]> </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'slike' "> <![CDATA[ ${item.type} ${} like '${item.value}%' ]]> </if> <if test="item.typeitemType == 'elike' "> <![CDATA[ ${item.type} ${} like '%${item.value}' ]]> </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'like' "> <![CDATA[ AND ${} like '%${item.value}%' ]]> </if> <if test="item.itemType == 'in' "> ${item.type} <foreach collection="item.values" item="value" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator="OR"> ${} = #{value} </foreach> </if> </foreach> </if> </sql> </mapper>
Product mapper.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" > <mapper namespace="com.yqwoe.codegenerator.dao.ProductMapper" > <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.yqwoe.codegenerator.model.Product" > <id column="u_id" property="uId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> </resultMap> <sql id="Base_Column_List" > id, name, category, price ,..... </sql> <select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="com.yqwoe.model.param.QueryParam"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from s_user <include refid="BaseMapper.BaseQuery"/> <include refid="BaseMapper.BaseOrder" /> </select> </mapper>
class ProductController{ ProductService productService;
@GetMapping("/products") public Pageinfo index(QueryParam param){ return productService.selectAll(param); } }
api: http://localhost:8000/products?items[0].name=name&items[0].value=nil?,超级管理员&items[0].itemType=in
sql: select * from product where 1 = 1 and (name = 'nil?' OR name = '超级管理员')
//type 默认为 and response: { data:[ .... ] }
以上为动态查询,照这样的思路,可以继续围绕 mapper 扩展排序或者更复杂的查询。